Advantages & Disadvantages of Choosing AngularJS Web Development

Take a walk back in time, and you will remember how all the developers used to create static web pages and would pat their backs like they just invented fire. Retrospectively, those were the golden days that laid the foundation of complex structural frameworks we have developed today. One of those technologies is AngularJS, a structural framework that can help in using Single Page HTML for declaring dynamic views in web apps.

Maintained by the tech giant, Google, and supported by a wide community of developers worldwide, AngularJS continues to bolster an ever-increasing number of websites and web applications. This dynamic client-side programming language is combined with HTML and CSS to augment web functionality. Furthermore, this is a framework that stretches HTML’s syntax to let your app’s components be expressed precisely.

Since its birth in 2005, Angular JS development has been like a best friend to AngularJS development services companies. Google statistics show that 53% of users accessing a website from a mobile device leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load. With the help of AngularJS, companies can build fast, robust, and SEO-friendly stunning websites. Popular websites like Netflix, LEGO, The Guardian, PayPal, and many others are built on this platform.

Some of the standing features of AngularJS are as follows:

  • 1. Most Widely Used Framework

  • Being a globally used framework, AngularJS allows developers to create custom directives, and the framework makes use of directives that keep the scripts and HTML pages clean and extremely organized. Thus, with a wide range of functionalities, features, and benefits, AngularJS allows us to create independent codes by putting together specific functions and using them repeatedly.
  • 2. Two-Way Data Binding

  • AngularJS is the superstar framework when it comes to synchronizing the data between model and view components. It facilitates easier data binding without the developer’s intervention. This means when you make any changes in the view layer, it will automatically be displayed to the model. Furthermore, AngularJS is attracting young programmers to learn the language and compelling clients to use this framework to build important web app projects.
  • 3. DOM Manipulation at Par

  • The tech giant maintaining the AngularJS framework, Google has constantly been working to make the developers’ lives easier. AngularJS conveniently saves developers’ time by actively manipulating DOM (Document Object Model).
  • The DOM interface often offers several alternative methods to perform a specific DOM operation, and there might be significant differences in performance between certain methods.
  • 4. Highly Testable Products

  • You can’t build great web apps without doing multiple testing. It’s the most crucial part of the web development process. Making it easier to test and compile the code in a more organized manner, AngularJS development equips the developer with various features like dependency injections allowing various components to be isolated and mocked; default ivy compiler helps in compiling the code individually, hence, saving tester’s time.
  • Most importantly, by allowing unit testing and end-to-end testing, AngularJS makes the testing and debugging process simpler like never before.

We have seen the positives of AngularJS development. Now, let us see why web developers remain distant from using AngularJS.

Here are the few cons of the AngularJS framework:

  • 1. Performance Glitches

  • As the complex models are involved in the AngularJS framework, it is natural that there will be bugs and glitches in the dynamic web apps built on AngularJS. Sometimes, they lag and show glitches while performing. All frameworks come with some dissimilarities which one has to learn to use. That is why some novice programmers find it difficult to figure out which way is the best to complete a particular task.
  • If you don’t possess the massive infrastructure that Google has, you might need to implement some best practices to improve your AngularJS application’s performance.
  • For instance, the moment you introduce data-bindings, you create $$watchers and $$scopes, which extends the digest cycle. Furthermore, too many $$watchers can cause lag, so limiting their use as much as possible would be much recommended.
  • 2. Vast and Complicated

  • Adapting to this framework is quite a task in itself as limited documentation is available on the web and quite complicated for novice programmers. In angular, there are many different ways to perform the same task, so it is difficult to predict which is the most optimized way to perform a certain task. Moreover, you will find out that your classical web development knowledge and experience would create confusion when you start using AngularJS. Features like dependency projection and the firm can give you hard time, but don’t get disheartened. The extending community of developers is making it easier. Hence, the framework is worth trying once.
  • 3. JavaScript Support is Mandatory

  • Usually, normal laptops and desktop computers don’t provide support to JavaScript, and in Angular, to access the database, a user has to have JavaScript enabled in their computer devices. If these scripts will hide, the resultant pages will appear like a basic “Hello world” page.
  • If there are many such customers, you can expect your AngularJS-based web equity to be less useful. Nonetheless, this is not the case with a plain HTML-based web.

Closing Thoughts

There are many reasons to consider the AngularJS framework in your next dynamic web app. For a client, this framework can lead to time and cost savings while for a programmer, mastering the skill opens many doors of opportunities. From fine-tuning your application’s performance to modifying the existing one, AngularJS can allow you to provide more content while using less code, which frees up resources that could be better spent elsewhere. Also, AngularJS provides you with services such as Rest Support, POJO Model, a huge list of directives, seamless integration, and much more that can help you navigate through your next web app project like a cheesecake.