
Key Factors That Authenticate The Use Of AngularJS

Key Factors That Authenticate The Use Of AngularJS

Remember the days of slow websites, unresponsive web, and slow loading speeds - we used to think we couldn’t go any further; and, this is the most cutting-edge technology we will ever reach. But, fortunately, things have changed tremendously. The evolution of...

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How to Improve Magento 2 Website Speed

How to Improve Magento 2 Website Speed

It is essential for any business to have a fast site for keeping their bottom-line profits high. While ensuring the optimum user experience to your visitors through a quirky design, you also need to make sure that they stick to your website. It has been found that 47...

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Reasons Behind The Popularity Of AngularJS Framework

Reasons Behind The Popularity Of AngularJS Framework

We are way past the days of cluttered websites, broken links, as well as unresponsive websites. The modern web development era is here; and, it seems like the web development community has embraced it quite well. All the due credit goes to the tech giants across the...

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How to Configure Elastic Search in Magento 2

How to Configure Elastic Search in Magento 2

In this fast-moving world, everything is highly accelerated, and it is vital to keep up with trends to move up in the world. Elasticsearch is one of these trends, which comes with a line-up of search options, scalability, data record, etc. From MSME’s to large-scale...

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DotNetNuke (DNN) — A CMS for True Extensibility

DotNetNuke (DNN) — A CMS for True Extensibility

In a fast-digitizing world, with rapidly multiplying “options” available to consumers, their expectations change every moment, so to speak. To stay in the profits, thus, it’s crucial that brands keep pace, and more importantly, adapt. Today, the customers’ experience...

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10 Web Application Security Best Practices

10 Web Application Security Best Practices

Web Application Security is one of the core components of web application development. A web developer is expected to ensure the optimum security of a web application. The main reason behind this requirement is the exponential rise in the number of DDoS attacks that...

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Why Your Business Needs an Intranet Portal

Why Your Business Needs an Intranet Portal

Information is the most powerful weapon and for businesses, keeping their information secured is the number one priority. This information includes their employee details, company policies, client details, internal confidential documents, etc. Saving all this data on...

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